When Student enters the Youth Division at the age of nine, taking a wide-range of technique classes bases on ability and skill level. Students are encouraged take ballet, Riddick technique rhythm & Roots, and Improvisational dance lab. The focus is building sound ballet technique while instilling strong character building qualities such as discipline, respect, integrity and creativity. This program is designed for students who desire to learn dance for enjoyment as well as those who may be interested in pursuing dance seriously. Students who are focused on pursuing dance as a career must be under consultation under the Artistic Director will be placed in the pre-professional division.
Dance Placement
The artistic faculty evaluates and places student in the appropriate level based on age and ability. Students are continually evaluated throughout the year and placement is at the discretion of the Artistic Faculty.
Ballet I
Ballet II
Ballet III
Ballet IV
Pointe I/II
Pointe Intermediate and Advance
Riddick Technique
Rhythm and Roots
Girls are Required:
White leotard, White tights that cover the feet, White ballet slippers
(Canvas White Ballet Slippers Order Number: B20or B40 sole ballet slippers)
(White leotard Order number : MT757 and MT2438)
(White Tights, Order Number : Balera -T90/T90c.)
Boys are Required:
White fitted t-shirt, black shorts and/or black tights, black shoes
(Order Number: Balera -T90/T90c.)
Girls are Required:
Black Solid colored leotard and tights, black footless and convertible tights
Black leotard Order number : MT757 and MT2438
Black Tights, Order Number : Balera -T90/T90c.
Boys Required: Solid colored shirt, black shorts
Order Number : Balera -T90/T90c
Ballet I Beginner (ages 9 - Above)
The goal of this class is to impart the fundamentals of classical ballet. The student will learn classical ballet techniques and terminology. Each class includes barre exercises, center floor work, and across-the-floor combinations, along with an emphasis on proper body alignment. The ballet curriculum is based on a combination of the French and Vagonova methods of ballet. As a student progresses through each level, the curriculum will become increasingly more complex and intricate. This class is designed to improve a dancer’s range of motion, enhance muscle flexibility and increase their level of core muscle strength.
Ballet II Intermediate
This class is designed for students who have demonstrated a full understanding of Ballet I. The positions of the arms, directions of the body and increased ballet vocabulary are the focus for Ballet II. The students will develop a strong understanding of movement and alignment, proper use of turn out, coordination of the upper body (epaulement), body, head and arm movements coordination and synchronization (port de bras). The focus will be on intermediate ballet technique and will include combinations at the barre using reléve and balances on one leg. Simple jumps are embellished with beats(batterie). This class is also designed to improve a dancer’s range of motion, enhance muscle flexibility and increase their level of core muscle strength. More variations of pirouettes, turns across the floor and jumps are learned, and are mastered including fourette turns as well as jumps on both or one leg.
Ballet III and IV
As the students training intensifies in the fundamental concepts of ballet technique, vocabulary and studio etiquette is paramount. This training builds on the development of technique, coordination, and musicality Students in this class will be using a more extensive ballet vocabulary, as they focus on artistry and gain precision as they grow in to an advanced dancer.
Pre-Pointe Class
The students are being prepared for pointe work in this class with emphasis the use of TheraBand and strengthening exercises through floor barre and at the barre. This class will develop the muscles needed to dance on pointe. Dancing on pointe requires proper spine alignment, proper turn out from the hips, strong ankle strength work , and proper foot-pointing techniques and a understanding of proper good balance
Class is to be taken in a soft ballet shoes. Pointe shoes should not be purchased prior to class. All students will be recommended to go on pointe on an individual basis when the teacher feels the student is ready. At that time, information about pointe shoe purchasing will be discussed with the teacher.
The following requirements are recommended for Ballet III and IV students will seek the approval of Faculty. Students need faculty approval before enrolling. Including students who are currently taking pointe at another studio. Students who are interested in being approved for Pre-Pointe should attend a placement ballet class. Students wishing to take Pre-Pointe must register for three to four ballet classes per week.
Pointe Intermediate and Advance
(Please follow the pre-pointe guidelines above.)
Rhythm & Roots
The Rhythm & Roots Hip-Hop allows students to share their rhythmical and creative power of unity through dance. The dancer is encouraged to develop their motor skills, musicality and emphasis put on rhythm. The goal is to provide students with an opportunity to create and release pent-up emotions and frustrations that accompany the process while growing up. This class uses the influences of dance from of West African, Latin, Caribbean. (Ages: approximately 9 and up)
Riddick Technique
The class integrates various traditional disciplines of modern dance and ballet foundations with current contemporary styles that enhance all styles of dance. The class is for the dancer who likes physical, complicated floor work, patterns of movement and self-expression. Elements of improvisation are also introduced. Our student will gather a strong understanding of movement and alignment, and proper use of turn out and parallel feet. There is an infusion of the Laban principle of dance. With the focus on technique, contemporary dance tends to utilize both the strong and controlled legwork of ballet and modern dance’s stress on the torso, while also employing the contract-release, floor work, fall and recovery, and improvisation characteristics of modern dance. The students will be exposed to unpredictable changes in rhythm, speed, and direction. We will explore non-western dance forms from Africa, Japan, China, and India Ages: approximately 9 and Up
Dance Improvisation
The students are introduced to the discovery and cultivation of spontaneous movement in solo, duet and group settings, and the development of improvised movement materials based on the Principles of Laban facilitated through a variety of creative explorations including body mapping through levels, shapes and dynamics. Dance improvisation is focused on finding a deeper way of comprehending otherwise concealed movements and improving the quality of performance of the students. He or she will explore the instinctual, happenstance, and unfettered movement. The student is able to explore authentic feelings, organic movement and transitions.( Ages: approximately 9 and Up).
Lower Level (Ages 9-11)
Middle Level (Ages 12-14)
Upper Level (Ages 15 -18)
Lower Level (Ages 9 - 11) |
1 Student $140.00 USD2 Students $280.00 USD3 Students $420.00 USD |
Middle Level (Ages 12 - 14) |
1 Student $160.00 USD2 Students $320.00 USD3 Students $480.00 USD |
Upper Level (Ages 15 - 18) |
1 Student $180.00 USD2 Students $360.00 USD3 Students $540.00 USD |